Principal-Protected DeFi Structured Vaults

SuperHedge is a platform for secure crypto structured products with principal protection. It offers enhanced yield on BTC, ETH, & USDC through staking & options strategies with self-custodied deposits as tradable NFTs.


About the product

SuperHedge is a protocol for crypto structured products. It hsa been designed to make it easy for users to earn enchanced yield safety in BTC, ETH and USDC. These structured products are principal-protected, meaning that the original investment amount is protected at the end of each epoch.

The source of yield is from verified blue chip protocols and leading staking solutions. The vault options-based strategies provide directional exposure and yield enhacement for users. All deposits are self-custodied and represented as NFTs that are tradable on our secondary marketpalce.

Ira - teammate emoji
Ruslan - teammate emoji
Denis Rabota - teammate emoji

The challenge we’ve faced

DeFi structured products with options-based strategies first emerged in early 2021. To date, the majorify of crypto structured products protocols are focused on short volatility strategies that often position users as underwriters of calls or puts options to earn premium. These srategies pose a high inherent risk for less sophisticated investors who may suffer from severe losses in times of large market movements.

In comparison, crypto structured products that are in the category of principal-protection such as structured notes, offer a more favorable market risk-return profile, particularly in the absence of active risk management.

Average invesotor can’t comrehend the intricate payoff structures that derivatives have.

Users are frustrated without an ability to access the value of their assets before the period ends.

There is an entry barrier for investors who may not have significant capital to invest.


General Proccess

A deep understanding of the target audience and their needs is a must. It begins with thorough research, gathering insights into user behavior, market trends, and competitor landscapes. This knowledge forms the foundation for ideating and defining the app’s features, functionality, and overall structure.

From there, or team translates these ideas into visual representations, starting with wireframes that outline the basic layout and user flow. These wireframes evolve into detailed mockups, incorporating the app’s aesthetic elements and branding.

Throughout the process, user feedback is critical, guiding iterations and refinements until the final design is ready for development.

Insights Gathering

Features Decomposition & App Map

Product Wireframes

Final Mockups & Hand-off

Fun Fact

2 our teammates started their investment path after project finishing

Step 1

Insights Gathering

We’ve started our journey from stakeholders interview. We use simplified Lean Canvas framework to gather their perspectives on main user problems that we need to take into concideration during future design.

Once we have some initial input, we’re ready to validate it and find real insights and it’s time to look at market generaly and at competetive lanscape particulary.

By thoroughly gathering and analyzing these insights, we can build a solid foundation for a user-centric and market-relevant web app that addresses real problems and offers superior value to users.

2 hours of workshop with stakeholders

4 direct competitors anayzed

12 new insights found

Step 2

Features Decomposition &
 App Map

Here our Business Analyst (BA) pays the most attention to meticulously dissection the product’s envisioned functionalities into smaller, more manageable components. This breakdown facilitates a deeper understanding of each feature’s requirements and dependencies. During decomposition process we’ve understood that we have some non-vital features that can be moved to the post MVP version to fit the initial budget.

In parallel with decomposition the UX designer crafts the application map. This project didn’t have a huge amunt of features so our team desided to use hybrid of classic frameworks: Informational Architecture and Userflows. This also helped us optimize client’s budget.

BA & designer parallel workd saved 2 weeks on timeline

4 features postponed for future releases

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Step 3

Product Wireframes

This is a stage where the user experience begins to take shape. We’ve created high-fidelity wireframes for all flows. Here we are focusing on structure and functionality rather than aesthetics so they serve us as a blueprint for future design.

After several iterations we’ve ensured the wireframes are polished and match usability expectations of the users that means that we are ready tp go fo the next stage.

Step 4

Final Mockups & Hand-off

This is the culmination of the design process, where the magic happens. Based on client’s branding we started to work with design direction. This includes creating moodboard and design-conception. Here we’re looking for a balance between visual trends, brand identity.

Once we’ve done with it, we’re starting to design all screens and their states includign all possible corner-cases. We’re keep going with this iterative process until the design is polished and ready for development.

141 screens designed

3 iterations of final design

Desktop-first approach


Our results

The new design not only aligns with current UX best practices but also reflects the unique brand identity of SuperHedge. This project demonstrates the tangible impact that thoughtful, user-centered design can have on business goals.

Web app successfully addressed building a network of trusted yuiled-source partners, market makers, product specialists and investors.

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Project Talk - Kseniia Shalia
Account Executive
Partnership - Polina Chebanova
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